
Valentine’s Day TikTok: The Best Filters and Posts This Year


The weather outside may still be dreary but everyone’s hearts felt oh-so delightful this February on TikTok. Whether you celebrated newly found love or mourned lost love, Valentine’s Day TikTok not only had the cutest filters but also had the most creative trends that surely got your heart racing. Valentine’s Day TikTok: What Is It?  […]

Content Marketing Trends You Have to Know for 2023


In the world of social media and technology, trends are constantly changing and evolving. Content marketing has become huge since the rise of influencers on Instagram and TikTok. This type of marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract a specific audience. However, due to updates and changes in users’ personal […]

Say Hello to ByteDance’s New App: Lemon8


The Chinese software development ByteDance, responsible for the smash success short-form content app TikTok, has come out with another groundbreaking app, known as Lemon8. Lemon8 describes itself as a place “where you can discover beautiful, authentic, and diverse content” according to the app’s Google Play description. With its emphasis on posting pictures with captions with […]

How to Properly Use Hashtags on TikTok


Are you struggling to get your content noticed on TikTok? Well, here’s the thing: the secret to increasing your visibility on the platform is to properly use hashtags on TikTok for effective influencer marketing. But with so many hashtags available, it’s challenging to know which ones to use and how to use them. In this […]

Crypto Safety 101: How to Protect Your Digital Assets


Cryptocurrency is a type of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography (the practice of secure communication) to secure and verify transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning that they are not controlled by a central authority like a government or financial institution. Because of this, decentralization often causes crypto […]