
The weather outside may still be dreary but everyone’s hearts felt oh-so delightful this February on TikTok. Whether you celebrated newly found love or mourned lost love, Valentine’s Day TikTok not only had the cutest filters but also had the most creative trends that surely got your heart racing.

Valentine’s Day TikTok: What Is It? 

Valentine’s Day TikTok is exactly what it sounds like: it’s TikTok users creating filters and trends, reminding them of how Valentine’s Day has always made them feel or how it made them feel this past Valentine’s Day (hopeful, bitter, or anything in-between).

Major holidays are a great way for new popular filters and trends to be born on social media because of our shared nostalgia for what the holiday means to us and who we get to spend the holiday with; so of course we have to share those feelings on social media for thousands of others to see!

1. Love Tester 

One of Valentine’s Day TikTok’s most used filters was the Love Tester filter. With this filter, the creator would typically type in their name along with their significant other’s name. Many creators also opted to type in their crush’s name, and the filter would calculate just how compatible the couples are. It’s no wonder this filter’s usage skyrocketed during the season of love.

2. Asking My Significant Other to Be My Valentine (Again)

A huge trend that blew up on TikTok this Valentine’s Day was many people (typically men) begrudgingly buying flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and other Valentine’s themed gifts to ask their significant other (usually women) to be their valentine this year. After all, everyone knows that being in a relationship doesn’t automatically mean they’re you’re valentine — sometimes you have to ask, and that’s just as romantic!

Do you want to start your own trend? Check out this article to learn how! 

3. My Love Life Tarot 

Similar to real-life Tarot card readings, the My Love Life Tarot filter promised to predict who’s in love. Valentine’s Day TikTok was full of users that were curious to know what their secret admirers were going to do and what could potentially go down during this season of love. Say what you want about tarot and its prevalence.

Interested in TikTok’s hottest filters? We’ve got you covered! Check out our list of the top trending TikTok filters of 2022 here

4. Dollar Store Candy Heart Dispenser

Valentine’s Day TikTok started early with this trend. People were sprinting, not walking, to their local dollar store to get their hands on their own Candy Heart Dispenser; the thing is, most people were buying the dispenser to show others on TikTok how to use the dispenser to store their anxiety pills. We’re so happy to see self-love being celebrated on TikTok, although everyone can agree that self-love is not seasonal — it’s all year round!

5. It’s This Easy, Boys 

We’ve all heard men say that they just don’t understand women. What could women possibly want, right? Well, many TikTok users made it abundantly clear to those men with this Valentine’s Day TikTok trend that proves that making your girlfriend happy isn’t nearly as complicated as they might think. Small acts of kindness go a long way when pleasing your significant other. Even if you don’t have a lover, small gifts to show your appreciation towards friends can really brighten someone’s day.

Unsure if a TikTok trend is for you? Check out this article to understand trend best practices!

6. Lovecore Season 

You’ve heard of cottagecore, citycore, maybe even kidcore, well now get ready for lovecore! TikTok fashion influencers were excited about February and spring nearing not because of potential cute date TikToks, but because of the lovecore fashion trend.

What is Lovecore? 

Lovecore is a fashion trend where people try to wear as much pink, red, and heart print as possible. The fashion statement is meant to commemorate what is societally recognized as the visual aspects of love, affection, and romance. People who identify with the aesthetic hope to look like they just ransacked the gift shop of the love shack, baby. Hopeless romantic or not, we can’t deny how fashionable and vibrant this trend is.

7. Meme Valentine’s Day Cards 

A classic trend that comes around on every Valentine’s Day is the meme Valentine’s Day card. To nobody’s surprise, Valentine’s Day TikTok was no exception to this trend. Users shared different cards that they planned on sending to their significant others or friends with no interest in Valentine’s Day trends. Some users even took their creativity to the next level and drew their own cards to embody their interests and humor.

Looking for other great TikTok memes? Look no further than our article all about the latest of them right here!

8. Valentine’s Gift Baskets 

A huge gift trend this year on Valentine’s Day TikTok was making your significant other an entire gift basket filled with all of their favorite treats; from candy and stuffed animals to their favorite leisure brand! Users got to work with their baskets, sparking a new wave of creativity and admiration for their partners.

9. Help Me Pick My Valentine’s Day Outfit 

Women flocked to TikTok, hauls in tow, asking their followers to help pick what outfit they should wear for the most romantic night of the year. And who could blame them? With love in the air, looking your best has to be one of your top priorities, if not your highest priority, period.

Love TikTok Fashion? Check out our article on how TikTok is changing the fashion world here

10. F*** Valentine’s Day

While most of Valentine’s Day TikTok is about promoting love in all of its forms, we couldn’t ignore those who were a little too bitterly single and expressed that on this viral trend on this year’s TikTok trend. As funny as this trend was for many, we can only hope that people didn’t bring others down for celebrating with their loved ones. Fingers crossed for a better Valentine’s Day next year!

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